The X-15-2 became the first X-15 aircraft to test the million-horsepower XLR-99 rocket engine in flight. The X-15-2 was delivered to Edwards Air Force Base in 1959 and completed 31 flights (9 with the interim XLR-11 engines) before it was damaged during an emergency landing in 1962, and eventually repaired and modified to become the 'advanced' X-15A-2.
The X-15-3 was delivered to Edwards in 1959, and was seriously damaged in June 1960 when its ammonia and hydrogen peroxide tanks exploded while testing the new XLR-99 engine on the ground. Pilot Scott Crossfield was uninjured and the aircraft was rebuilt. In 1963, NASA pilot Joe Walker set an altitude record of 354,200 feet in the No. 3 aircraft, the highest flight of the X-15 research program.
The X-15-3 completed 65 flights between December 1961 and November 1967, but sadly the aircraft was lost during a tragic accident in November 1967 that took the life of Air Force pilot Michael Adams.
This package contains two versions of the X-15-2 and two versions of the X-15-3 aircraft, all equipped with the mighty XLR-99 rocket engine. Four fully functional 3D virtual cockpits are included, along with an automatic ignition sequence, new X-15 custom sounds, 10 new camera definitions for FSX, basic MH-96 autopilot modes (X-15-3) and 12 saved flights based on actual X-15 missions.
- 'Dirty' version of the X-15-2 with the (interim) NACA vane-type boom nose and the original (XLR-99) black panel
- 'Dirty' version of the X-15-2 with the NACA/Nortronics ball nose, gray thermopaint on nose and canopy, and an alternate (XLR-99) black panel
- 'Dirty' version of the X-15-3 with the NACA/Nortronics ball nose and the original (XLR-99) black panel
- 'Dirty' version of the X-15-3 with the NACA/Nortronics ball nose, wing-tip pods, tail-cone box and the (XLR-99) light blue-gray panel
This package contains two versions of the X-15-2 aircraft (serial number AF56-6671) with the XLR-99 rocket engine and two versions of the X-15-3 aircraft (serial number AF56-6672) with the XLR-99 rocket engine.
This is the design-mission configuration of the No. 2 X-15 rocket plane. The second variation of the X-15-2 wears grey thermopaint on the canopy, the nose and other parts of the aircraft.
The No. 3 X-15 airplane was equipped with the new MH-96 adaptive flight control system which replaced the Stability Augmentation System (SAS) found in the other aircraft.
The second variation of the X-15-3 has removable wing-tip pods that contained cameras and research instruments. This aircraft has a revised blue-grey instrument panel that replaced the original black panel. The new panel contrasted better with the gauges, light indicators and flight instruments. The aircraft also features a tail-cone box with additional experimentation equipment.
Flight model features
- One Reaction Motors XLR-99, 'throttlable 60,000-pound liquid-fuel turbo-rocket engine
Supersonic flight up to Mach 4.65
- High-altitude flight up to 354,200 feet in FSX (100,000 feet in FS2004)
- Autopilot (X-15-3 only) featuring basic autopilot functions (attitude and heading hold modes)
- Ground take-off or high-altitude launch
- Good manoeuvrability at supersonic speeds
- Excellent gliding capabilities
Aircraft model features
- More than 60 animations
- Reflective textures
- Unique markings and liveries on each aircraft
- Dynamic frost texture on fuselage (around the liquid oxygen tank when filled)
- Dynamic control surfaces differential horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizers with movable and fixed sections and a jettisonable ventral rudder, flaps, extendable upper and lower split-flap speed brakes
- Landing skids and 'steerable' front gear
- Movable canopy
- Cockpit details with astronaut/pilot and animated sticks and levers
- Experimental equipment on some airplanes (wing-tip pods, tail-cone box etc.)
Virtual cockpits
Four fully functional and highly detailed 3D virtual cockpits with over 900 parts and nearly 200 animated gauges, switches, levers, light indicators and flight instruments with 'tooltips'
- Automatic ignition sequence to start the X-15 engine at the touch of a single 'magic' red button - click the button and watch all the cockpit switches and gauges move automatically while the auto-ignition sequence executes the Quick Start procedures described in the manual
- Cockpit spotlights (VC and exterior model)
- 'Invisible' canopy mode so you can fly the X-15 without the canopy for improved visibility
Custom aircraft systems features
- Fictional service panel system for external power and aircraft refuelling (ammonia, liquid oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, helium, liquid nitrogen)
- Custom X-15 fuel management system for the three different types of propellants and gases
- Engine propellant pressurization and control system
- Engine turbopump system
- Engine ignition control system
- Electrical distribution and control system with APUs, generators, emergency battery and an external power source
- Hydraulic systems
- Temperature control systems
Advanced 2D panel features
The fully functional instrument panels with custom gauges and systems simulate almost every step and procedure required in a typical X-15 mission.
- Advanced X-15 black main instrument panels (XLR-99 engine)
- Advanced X-15 light blue-grey main instrument panel (XLR-99 engine)
- Service panel
- Left white console panel with 'vent, pressurize, jettison' lever and flaps switch
- Throttle and speed brake panel
- Left side panel
- Right side panel
- Radio panel (ADF panel on some aircraft)
- RAS (Reaction Augmentation System) panel (on some aircraft)
- Centre pedestal with research instrumentation and stability augmentation system panels (or MH-96 system panel on the X-15-3)
- 200 fully functional custom integrated systems and gauges with 'tooltips'
- Multiple side views
Special effects
- Over 10 X-15-specific animated visual effects
- Engine flame and contrail effects
- Engine first and/or second stage igniter effects
- Propellant jettison effects
- APU and turbopump exhaust effects
- Engine precool and prime effects
- Condensation effect near the cold propellant tanks when filled
- Basic autopilot modes (MH-96 adaptive flight control system, X-15-3 only) - X-15-3 now has basic autopilot functions (attitude and heading hold modes) with control switches located on the MH-96 main and side control panels
- Custom sound sets for FSX and FS2004
- Ten camera definitions or views (FSX only), some of them corresponding to the real-world X-15 external bug-eye cameras
- Twelve saved flights based on X-15 historical missions to simulate a high-altitude launch from a carrier aircraft or a take-off from the ground
- X-15-2 and X-15-3 aircraft kneeboard reference tabs and check lists
Comprehensive 100-page PDF manual and a 20-page PDF VC manual inspired by the original X-15 flight manuals (English and French)
System Requirements:
- FSX (SP2 recommended, Acceleration Expansion Pack optional) or FS2004
- 3.0 GHz PC or any dual core
- 512Mb RAM
- 256Mb graphics card, DirectX 9.0 or later
- Windows 8 / 7 / XP / Vista
- 300Mb hard drive space
Note: Does not support certain DirectX 10 features.
Usual Price: US$39.99
Special Offer Price US$19.40
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