The X-1 Second Generation (SG) was an advanced version of the original Bell X-1, the first aircraft to break the sound barrier with Captain Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager at the controls, in October, 1947. The second generation X-1s were designed to travel at double the speed of sound and set new altitude records in excess of 90,000 feet.
The new X-1s were similar to the original aircraft, with the same XLR-11 rocket engine, but were longer, heavier and had a conventional glass canopy.
This package for FSX contains six variations of the four Bell X-1 SG rocket planes, with three different virtual cockpits, and one light variation of a modified B-29 'Superfortress' carrier aircraft to simulate the high-altitude X-1 launches over the Mojave Desert.
Accelerate up to Mach 2.5, reach altitudes of 90,000 feet, and simulate virtually all the procedures required during an actual research mission, including emergency procedures such as extinguishing an engine fire or jettisoning the canopy to bail out). You can even test the never-built X-1C that was to be equipped with the Sperry A-12 Propilot system and a .50 calibre Browning machine gun.
Each highly detailed X-1 SG aircraft has been carefully modelled based on available archive material, and all X-1 rocket aircraft systems are reproduced in the fully functional 3D virtual cockpits. Spectacular visual effects and an 85-page user manual are also included.
- 'Bell-USAF' orange version
- 'Bell-USAF' aluminium version
- 'Bell-USAF-NACA' white version
- 'Bell-USAF-NACA' aluminium version
X-1C (never actually built)
- 'USAF' aluminium version with front machine gun, yaw-damping surfaces on wing and retractable ventral fin
- 'Bell-USAF' aluminium roll-out version
B-29 'Superfortress'
- One light variation of a B-29 carrier aircraft on specially equipped X-1A and X-1D models (exterior model only, visible when the X-1 is airborne). The aircraft features animated propellers and control surfaces (see description above)
Virtual Cockpits
- Three highly detailed and fully functional virtual cockpits (X-1A/D, X-1B and X-1C) with over 200 3D animated gauges, switches, levers, light indicators and flight instruments with 'tooltips'
- Fully functional instrument panels with custom X-1 rocket aircraft systems
- Centre pedestal (switch) panel
- Detailed seat, side controls, levers, pedals, oxygen regulator, hoses and pipes, and other cockpit items
- Modified (fictitious) ARC-5 radio for use with civilian frequencies in Flight Simulator X. The set has two VHF communication transceivers (COM1 and COM2), an automatic direction finder (ADF) and a radio-navigation receiver (VOR) to allow for a fictitious journey around the world in your X-1 at speeds beyond Mach 2
- Navigation instruments (fictitious, optional)
- Cockpit lighting - this optional feature is fictitious, but will allow you to fly the X-1 SG even at night
- Sperry A-12 Propilot (X-1C)
- Gunsight (X-1C)
Custom X-1 rocket aircraft systems
The following rocket aircraft systems are simulated as closely as possible within the limitations of Flight Simulator:
- XLR-11 power plant system and control
- Turbine-driven propellant pump and control
- Fuel system
- LOX system
- Hydrogen peroxide system
- Nitrogen system
- Electrical system (with DC-AC conversion)
- Fire detection/extinguisher system
- Custom rocket aircraft instruments, controls and gauges, including dome loading pressure regulators and spill valves
- Emergency jettison system
- Pilot's oxygen system
- Cabin pressurisation system
Flight model
- One Reaction Motors XLR-11-RM-5, 5900-pound four-chambered liquid-fuel turbo-rocket engine, capable of delivering more than 5,900 pounds of thrust
- High-altitude flight above 90,000 feet
- Supersonic flight up to Mach 2.5
- Ground take-off or high-altitude launch
- Good manoeuvrability at supersonic speeds
- Excellent gliding capabilities
Aircraft models
- More than 40 animations
- Reflective high-resolution textures with bump maps
- Night textures
- Historical markings and liveries on each aircraft
- Animated control surfaces: X-1 all-moving tail (elevator trim), elevator, ailerons with trim tab, flaps, Vertical stabilizer/rudder with trim tab, Retractable ventral fin (X-1C), Yaw-damping surfaces on wings (X-1C)
- Detailed steerable front gear
- Detailed main landing gear
- Movable glass canopy (with jettison animation)
- Cockpit details include pilot and animated sticks, levers and parts
- Functioning nose-mounted .50 cal. machine gun (X-1C)
- Antennas, pitot tube and research probes
- Rear propellant jettison tubes and engine turbopump exhaust pipe
- XLR-11 rocket engine combustion chambers (4)
Special effects
Special visual effects, some with sound, include:
- Rocket engine ignition, combustion flames and shockwave effects
- Rocket engine smoke and contrail effects
- Igniter test effects
- Propellant jettison effects (fuel, LOX and H2O2)
- Engine turbopump exhaust effect
- N2/LOX bleed effect
- Condensation and vapour effect around the cold LOX tank when filled
- Wing vortices and vapour trails
- Machine gun effect (X-1C)
- B-29 contrail effect
- Automatic ignition sequence (optional)
- Custom sound set
- Camera definitions (external and internal)
- Fictitious saved flights inspired by real X-1 SG test flights
- X-1 SG aircraft kneeboard reference tab and check list (from within FSX)
- Comprehensive 75-page PDF user manual (English & French) inspired by the original Bell X-1A Pilot's Handbook
"The virtual cockpit of the X-1 is meticulously rendered and the crispness and smoothness of the gauges are excellent... the sound suite of the xtreme Prototypes is superb... the systems modelling in the X-1 is fantastic... The multitude of visual effects is admirable... Detailing of both the virtual cockpit and external models are exquisite... The preset external camera views are some of the best I've ever seen for an add-on... An exciting and well-rounded add-on that is a challenge to fly" PC Pilot (90%, Classic Product Award)
"A good quality simulation of the ell X-1 aircraft complete with a relatively complex cockpit environment along with a highly detailed (almost museum piece) external model of the X-1 family... Externally the X-1 aircraft are eautifully rendered to incorporate all of the current FSX-enabled features... Does not disappoint in the sound department" Computer Pilot
System Requirements:
- FSX (SP2 required, Acceleration Expansion Pack or FSX Gold optional)
- 3.0 GHz PC or any dual core
- 512Mb RAM
- 256Mb graphics card, DirectX 9.0 or later
- Windows 8 / 7 / XP / Vista
- 650Mb hard drive space
Usual Price: US$44.99
Special Offer Price US$25.50
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