Zurich Airport (previously Zurich-Kloten) is the largest airport in Switzerland and is now depicted in this brand new version for FSX and P3D.
This completely new scenery is full of detail, including every building and the entire airport environment, docking systems and all features you would expect from a modern scenery for FSX and P3D. The ground layout has been created from scratch based on high resolution aerial images and it complies with the current data of the charts. This scenery represents the complete and finished development condition of the real-world airport.
The airport has three runways, two of which cross each other. Additionally, the airport has three docks – A, B and E. Dock B, as the oldest, was shut down in 2003 and then served as a so-called 'event dock' which was available to rent for various events. In 2008 Dock B was completely dismantled and replaced by a new construction at the same location and was finished in 2011.
The finished development condition results in some new features:
Newly created buildings and objects with lots of 3D details, high resolution 2K textures with rendered shadows and lighting
New transparent boarding bridges with glass sides at every gate
Updated taxiways and parking positions, as creating parking positions for the Airbus A380 changed other positions and moved lots of taxiway markings
Parking position E67 at Dock E now includes a separate, elevated boarding bridge
Static Emirates Airline Airbus A380, parking at Gate E67 (optional)
Terminal 2 is currently being rebuilt and set to be finished by the end of 2015 – the developers already completely finished the terminal for this scenery
Enhanced Apron P with additional parking positions
Jet engine test site with new, large noise absorption hall
The entrances to terminals 1 and 2 are currently being rebuilt – the developers already completely finished the reconstruction for this scenery, including a new roofing
See the Detailed Description section for more features!
Additional features
Completely new scenery of Zurich Airport, depicting the airport as of late 2015
Detailed representation of the airport
Photorealistic ground textures based on aerial images (0.5m/pixel)
Seasonal colouring of ground and vegetation
All buildings and airport facilities
Photorealistic textures for buildings, vehicles etc.
True to original navigation systems (ILS, VOR/DME, NDB, ATIS)
Complete taxiway and runway signage
High speed taxiways, allowing for exiting the runway at high speeds
Great night effects (baked textures)
Animated radar systems and wind hoses
Animated vehicle traffic at and around the airport (AESLite), for FSX Acceleration, SP2 with ‘Intelliscene’
ADGS – Aircraft Docking Guidance Systems
True to original runway and taxiway lighting
Traffic routes with ground traffic signage
Optimised for good performance (frame rates)
Optimised AFDs for different landing directions on the crossing runways
Compatible with Airport Enhancement Services (AES)
Compatible with default AI traffic as well as AI traffic add-ons (e.g. Traffic 360)
Compatible with Switzerland Pro X and Ultimate Terrain Europe
Manual in English/German and up-to-date charts
System Requirements:
Flight Simulator X (Acceleration, Gold or SP2 required), FSX: Steam Edition & Prepar3D v2/v3.2
2.6GHz dual core processor
512 MB graphics card
Windows 10 / 8 / 7, Vista / XP (32-bit or 64-bit)
1.3GB hard drive space
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