Sim-Wings presents Mega Airport Madrid Professional with all buildings and service facilities for Prepar3D v4/v5. The aerial image covers a total surface of 400 km² and the detailed 3D models and animations bring the scenery to life. In addition to the default jetway animations, SODE jetways are optionally supported.
The scenery also comes with a detailed AFCAD that includes parking positions and approach procedures – the latter can be toggled between North and South approaches.
Madrid-Barajas airport is the largest airport in Spain, the sixth largest in Europe, and ranks number 25 in the world. Located about twelve kilometres north-east of the city, the airport is Europe’s most important connection to South America and the central hub for Spanish aviation.
Mega Airport Madrid-Barajas with all buildings and service facilities like VOR, ILS
Aerial image for the airport and its close environment (total of 400 km²)
Autogen buildings and vegetation for the entire aerial image area
Detailed airport buildings, terminal 4 and terminal 4 satellite with interior equipment
Detailed animated jetway models, (Ctrl-J), SODE jetways as a free download option
Docking systems at all gates and functional windsocks
Partly pre-rendered shadowing/night lighting
Detailed ground markings
Scenery and aerial image are georeferenced to ensure best possible compatibility with other add-ons
Animated vehicle traffic on the apron and around the airport
Detailed AFCAD files with airline parking codes and approach procedures; can be toggled between North and Sout
Advanced Config toll
Simple installation: no changes to default configurations necessary
All code (BGLs) compiled with P3D v4/v5 SDK, using new material options and performance-optimised to the new engine
All objects optimised for new shadow technology
Dynamic lights (can be turned off per area via Config tool)
Ground layout incl. detailed aerial image following P3D v4/v5 SDK
Optimised runway lighting with activation/deactivation based on time of day and weather conditions
System Requirements:
Prepar3D v4/v5
Quad Core CPU with 3.5GHz
16GB DDR4 RAM, 2666 MHz
Graphics card with 4GB VRAM, DirectX 11
Windows 10 (64 bit)
3.3GB hard drive space
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