This is the famous, high performance 4-seat American aircraft from the 1970s that was capable of cruising at 200 MPH. Featuring smooth wooden skinned wings and a steel frame fuselage, the 300 HP turbocharged edition 17-300A Super Viking was capable of 226 MPH top out and a range of 700 NM at 75% power, cruising along at 186 MPH. The turbocharged version had a ceiling of 25,000 feet as well.
This aircraft features many cool features, including a Century III Autopilot, several versions of interiors and panel colours, belly landing capabilities for practising emergency landing procedures, icing capabilities, pop-up placards and a pop-up instructional autopilot placard.
This is a High Resolution package with many 4K textures which also features a high-realism Asobo 6-cylinder sound pack. The avionics are also pure Asobo, so you are guaranteed a very nice avionics suite. Other features include opening door, opening cargo door and opening vent window, hideable yokes and two versions of the instrument lighting system which include internal instrument illumination and front panel pedestal-style lighting.
This package features a new Manual in PDF format located in the aircraft's folder system. If you purchase the Super Viking, please read through the manual first to find out where all the cool hidden features are.
If you like classic American planes, if you like 'fast', if you enjoy some snap in the roll performance, then this is your plane. A classic American single-engine muscle plane!
System Requirements:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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