Immersive Audio proudly presents the NGX Cockpit Sound Immersion, the most comprehensive high-definition sound pack ever developed exclusively for the PMDG NGX, and possibly for any add-on aircraft to date.
All sounds are recorded in the real 737 cockpit, carefully processed and extensively tested to provide the highest possible sound quality, realism, authenticity and immersion.
The sound pack is tested with Buttkicker Gamer 2 and selected sounds have a proper frequency response to deliver the best possible immersion with tactile transducers.
All sounds are true STEREO.
Sound pack includes:
Authentic sounds for all switches
Authentic sounds for all levers
True stereo GPWS call-outs & warnings
Authentic cockpit ambience, packs, circuit breakers, APU, standby instruments, chime, trim wheel, speedbrakes noise, ground roll...
Over 340 new sounds in total
The sound pack is compatible with all NGX models (600/700/800/900), both FSX and P3D.
Note: Sound quality may be reduced in the promotional video due to video compression.
System Requirements:
P3D v1/v2/v3/v4, Flight Simulator X or FSX: SE
This sound pack is compatible with all PMDG NGX models (600/700/800/900)
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