This sound pack is exclusively developed for Fly the Maddog X 64-bit edition.
The sound pack is compatible with all Fly the Maddog X models (MD-82 base pack, and the expansion pack - MD-83 & MD-88 variants) in P3D v4.4+/v5.
Thanks to Leonardo Software House and their exceptional rendition of the aircraft, we were able to develop a sound pack that will let you enjoy the Maddog X to the fullest. The plan from the start was to provide unparalleled sound quality. Beside the authenticity of cockpit ambiance, we were really focused on acoustics and sound layering. During development we used special audio mixing techniques so we can be sure that most of the sounds will be clear in all phases of flight.
Also, we received extensive feedback from real MD-80 airline pilots and mechanics regarding important sound details.
All sounds are recorded in the real MD-82 cockpit, carefully processed and extensively tested to provide the highest possible sound quality, realism, authenticity and immersion.
This product will be regularly updated in the future if necessary.
All sounds are true STEREO.
152 sound files included - all major sounds are covered!
Authentic battery, standby instruments, rack fans and packs
Authentic speaker and power relay
Various warnings - take-off config, stall, engine fire, AP disconnect, altitude warnings and many more
High quality GPWS call-outs and warnings, full TCAS
Realistic nose gear ground roll, bumps, touchdown and retraction sounds
Fully authentic nose gear airflow
Main gear touchdown
Wind noise
Speedbrake rumble and cockpit rattle
High quality switches, buttons and levers
ACARS printer
Autothrottle servos
Authentic hydraulic sound as heard from the cockpit
Cockpit windows open/close
Note: Sound quality may be reduced in the promotional video due to video compression.
System Requirements:
Fly the Maddog X 64-bit edition
P3D v4.4/v5
This sound pack is compatible with all Fly the Maddog X models (MD-82 base pack and the expansion pack - MD-83 & MD-88 variants.
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