FS2Crew: Animated First Officer - FBW A32NX Project Edition

Compatibility: MSFS 2020
FS2Crew: Animated First Officer - FBW A32NX Project Edition
The future is here - this is the next level in the Flight Simulator co-pilot genre!

IMPORTANT: This is an expansion pack for the FS2Crew: Flybywire A32NX Project Edition add-on, which must be installed and activated to use this Animated First Officer expansion.

If you do not own the FS2Crew: Flybywire A32NX Project Edition, click here to purchase it.


For years, FS2Crew users have requested one extremely big feature - that we add a visual FO model to host aircraft! The dream was that you could 'see' the FO physically move switches and run flows. Indeed, it would be like having a real person beside you in the cockpit! But technological limits in FSX/P3D prevented us from realising this dream.

Today, however, MSFS has made that dream possible! Welcome to the future of the FS co-pilot add-on genre. Welcome to the next big step forward!

Delivery method

Digital download only via the FS2Crew Product Manager.


Two models are currently available: one male and one female.

Note: A female First Officer voice set must be selected to see the female.

System Requirements:

  • FS2Crew: Flybywire A32NX Project Edition
  • FBW A32NX host aircraft (available free here)
  • Any other third party human avatars installed for the FBW A32NX should be uninstalled prior to installing FS2Crew
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
  • Windows 10 or 11 64-bit with latest updates
  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later
  • Active Internet connection
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FS2Crew: Animated First Officer - FBW A32NX Project Edition Add more realism to your Flybywire A32NX Project Edition flights in Microsoft Flight Simulator with FS2Crew's visual First Officer model who you can see physically move switches and run flows - it's just like having a real person beside you in the cockpit!

Two First Officer models are currently available: one male and one female.

Download size: 62MB

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