Building on the immersive and addictive Air Hauler, Air Hauler 2 for Microsoft Flight Simulator puts you in complete control of your own freight and passenger company - take charge of operations both in the boardroom and in the cockpit. You can also 'go global' and create your own Virtual Airline and recruit other AH2 pilots to fly for you with attractive payouts, or you can join another pilot’s booming airline and fly for that alongside your own company.
The limitless possibilities and flexibility of Air Hauler 2 will let you immerse yourself totally in every operational detail of your company - each crucial flight will have an effect on the reputation and reach of your expanding empire.
The level of complexity is up to you - simply fly jobs between bases and buy or lease aircraft, or carve out a career in the air freight or airline industry by hiring AI pilots and risking everything on loans to fill up your dream hangar.
Air Hauler 2 tracks all your financial activity, whether you're buying aircraft or air bases, fuel or repairs, or paying for landing fees or even loans and leases. Take out insurance if you think the part-time pilots you've hired might let you down when you can least afford it.
As the pilot charged with delivering the goods or passengers on time, you can decide to fly a job in multiple legs, or stop anywhere en route for refuelling or maintenance. Create your regular passenger routes and look out for special humanitarian missions.
Build your reputation with clients you meet as you travel between airports with your crews and fleet, take on increasingly lucrative missions, and pick up cargo jobs to build your empire from the local bulletin boards, or the global online job board system.
Trade commodities for delivery on your cargo routes, and open manufacturing plants and factories at your bases to create parts for manufacture into more precious commodities. Travel around the world to meet new contacts and fly missions for them individually to boost your company’s reputation and income!
If your management skills are needed in the boardroom, recruit other pilots to fly jobs for you and keep track of them all with the AI pilot system. Detailed Map views showing all the airports in Flight Simulator will help you keep tabs on available jobs and the locations of your bases and fleet, and you can also view the live locations of other online Air Hauler 2 pilots.
Expand your company into an online Virtual Airline where other pilots can fly passenger routes and cargo jobs for your new venture – select jobs from a global shared job board and allow users to help you manage your virtual airline and fly, expand and maintain your fleet!
Air Hauler 2 puts you in charge every step of the way - from landings to leases, flight plans to finances, and repairs to recruitment!
See the Detailed Description section below for all the features. You can take a look at the manual here or join in on the Air Hauler 2 forum!
Cargo jobs – more variety, better paid jobs, and much, much faster generation than in Air Hauler, including access to an online global shared job board.
Passenger operations – fly single passenger jobs between any airport you choose, or set up a schedule and routes for your airline to fly. You can let your AI pilots fly these routes or you can fly any of them at any time.
Missions - take missions from new contacts you meet as you travel to new airports and destinations.
Virtual Airlines – create your own Virtual Airline and recruit other AH2 pilots from around the world to fly passenger and cargo jobs! Advertise your airline on the Air Hauler 2 Hiring Bulletin Board. Accept and fly jobs from the Global Job Board and compete with other airlines for the best hauls.
Humanitarian missions - respond to real-world disasters by manufacturing and delivering relief supplies to local airports.
New AI pilot skills tree system – AI pilots can now be ‘trained’ in over 18 different skills which bring benefits to your company. As the AI pilots improve, they ‘level up’ in rank which gives them more skill points to spend. There is a skill tree which has five different tracks with individual skills in each and these can be unlocked by spending points. So, for example, an AI pilot who has five points in ‘Bungee Warrior’ will be subject to less in-flight cargo damage as a result of rough handling than one who has less (or no) points in that skill. Other examples are ‘Rocketman’, which provides a more efficient cruise (lower fuel costs), and ‘Short Stripper’ which lowers the runway landing requirements for AI pilots.
Take missions from clients at airports – supply them with rare commodities or perform photo recon flights or private charter flights.
Commodity trading – buy and sell commodities rather than just move them for clients. Make your own fortune trading between airports!
Upgrade your bases – upgrade them with fuel depots and commodity storage facilities, allowing you to hedge fuel prices and store commodities long term.
Factories and production – build factories at your bases and use them to produce desirable commodities which can’t be bought on the open market.
Find aircraft parts from vendors – find these at larger airports and use them to repair your fleet or build new aircraft yourself rather than buying them!
New type rating system – get qualified on aircraft before you or your AI pilots can fly them.
Buy and fly aircraft in your personal fleet – you can also transfer money from your company into your own personal account.
Buy new aircraft direct from the manufacturer, or buy second hand – have the aircraft shipped to you or go and collect them yourself and fly them home.
All-new Map views with great circle routes – several map tile choices are available.
Create ‘custom airports’ – create custom landing locations in scenic hotspots, or for new airports which haven’t been added to MFS yet.
Included database of common aircraft – designed to populate the stats while importing – no more searching for fuel burn figures!
System Requirements:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Standard, Deluxe or Premium Deluxe edition)
3.0GHz or any Dual Core PC
1GB graphics card
Windows 10 / 8
Microsoft .Net Framework 4 (included)
Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card
300MB hard drive space
This add-on is NOT compatible with the Xbox edition of MSFS.
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