The 737-200 series sold over 1,100 and can truly be called a classic machine. It was a real trail-blazer, bringing the first taste of the 'Jet Set' to the masses across the globe. Employed as a short- to medium-range airliner typically carrying 115 passengers, the 737-200 is powered by two Pratt & Whitney JT-8D engines.
The Advanced variant of the 737-200 narrow-body jet airliner features a range of improvements over the standard 737-200, notably more powerful engines, greater fuel capacity, longer range and improved aerodynamics.
Developed and built exclusively for Just Flight by BlackBox Simulation, 737 Professional features a highly detailed 3D virtual cpockpit and 2D panels, fully functional Performance Data Computer System and a host of custom-coded flight systems. Additional cockpit and engine sounds, a complete set of lighting effects, authentic flight dynamics, accurate animations and a comprehensive printed manual complete this Professional simulation of one of the world's great airliners.
Highly detailed 737-200 ADV model with the distinctive JT-8D engines
Fully flyable virtual cockpit
Specular map to give realistic light effects
Great set of bump maps to give a more realistic 3D feeling to the liveries
Multiple cockpit and external viewpoints
Vortex generators (wing and tailcone)
Pitot tubes & Antennae
Full Passenger seating visible through cabin windows
Panel and VC features
2D instrument panel and fully animated Virtual Cockpit with mouse-clickable operations
Panels: Overhead, Forward centre pedestal, middle centre pedestal with throttle quadrant, rear centre pedestal with radios, Default FSX GPS
All switches, knobs, dials, annunciators, warning lights and read-outs
Animated wipers, yokes, rudder pedals, steering tiller, throttles and armrests
Captain's and First Officer's 2D Panels including widescreen option
Moving Map radar screen with TCAS (Terminal Collision Avoidance System)
Custom-coded PDCS (Performance Data Computer System)
ALL systems use custom-coded routines to overcome most FSX limitations.
Custom electrical system, AC & DC buses with ground power/APU/separate generators/all switches
Custom fuel system with working auto switching, heaters, pumps and cross-feed
Custom hydraulic system with all switches and simulated flight control outage
Custom Pitot static system, separate Captain and First Officer heat and de-ice
Custom anti-ice system, wing, engine and window, giving correct engine performance reductions
Custom engine start system, as per manual
Custom annunciator and warning system, with over 160 separate annunciators
Custom Sperry 77 autopilot, dual channel, complete with all mode CWS (Control Wheel Steering)
Custom radio system, twin VOR/ADF and Comm
Custom pressurisation system
Custom APU with correct fuel burn
#1 Captain and First Officer compass and gyro systems
#2 Captain and First Officer separate Flight Directors
#3 Captain and First Officer Separate APD annunciators
Instrument comparators to manage #1 - #3 above
Operational PDCS (Performance Data Computer System)
Ten highly detailed international airline liveries in super-resolution:
Air France
British Airways (Landor scheme)
United Airlines (Earlier livery)
Britannia Airways
Lufthansa (Earlier livery)
Canadian Airlines
Western Airlines
Icaro Air
Air Cal
Additional Sound System
APU sounds (start/run/shutdown)
Gear wind (relative to airspeed)
All switch sounds
Altitude alert sound
Highly detailed animation of all flight surfaces - flaps, leading edge slats, leading edge flaps, rudder, aAilerons, elevators
Flight/ground spoilers
Correct sequencing of leading edge devices
Animated wipers
Extending under-wing landing light pods
Custom Engine Fan animation
Fully animated engine reverse thrust buckets
Animated built-in forward air stairs
Cargo doors
Passenger doors linked to FSX airport Jetway animations
Rotating wheels
Nose wheel steering.
Special effects
Touchdown tyre smoke effects
Early jet engine smoke effects
Forward throwing engine reverser smoke effects
APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) sStart smoke effect
Custom vortex trails from Flaps
Texture artwork
High resolution textures & Bump Mapping
Custom reflection maps for all polished metalwork
Highly detailed texture mapping without compromising frame rates.
FSX DX10 preview compatible
Layered paint kit included to help create your own liveries (suitable additional paint program such as Photoshop required)
Specular maps
Night maps
Full Lighting
Red anti-collision beacon
Coloured wing tip and tail navigation lights
Cockpit light
Passenger windows lighting
Landing lights that illuminate the runway
Flight Dynamics (FDE)
Custom designed flight dynamics designed to make 737 Professional an authentic experience
FSX dedicated
High quality sound set
Uses FSX sound cone technology
Authentic Pratt & Whitney JT-8D engine sounds
Comprehensive manual including flight tutorial
German manual available to download from the Support section
One of the most enjoyable procedural simulators that I have flown in FSX... The external model is a superb recreation of the Boeing 737-200... A fantastic rendition of the instruments... The systems fidelity is also of the highest order... The aircraft performs very much as one might expect of a 737. Just Flight would have needed a small army of Boeing engineers on hand to make it much more realistic... Coupled with the complex systems operation, the flight dynamics make this an ideal aircraft for the procedural simmer" PC Pilot (90%, Classic Product award)
"A very nice rendition of the 200's cockpit... The exterior paints are very good and the flight characteristics are a joy... The simulation of both the Sperry autopilot and the PDCS system are really great... The engine sounds are also good" Mutley's Hangar
"Without a doubt, Just Flight has created a virtual replication of this aircraft which is authentic and respectful to its place in aviation history... The great thing about this 737 is the flight dynamics in the air are on the money... The exterior sounds of the of the plane's Pratt & Whitney JT-8D engines is nothing short of superb... The lighting in VC and 2D panels inside the cockpit has been, pleasantly enough, flawless... The pop-up panels on 2D have been placed very well and are very easy to manage and monitor your systems... The rendition of sound in the cockpit was overall very pleasing"
Aerosoft Sim News
"The external modelling is a superb recreation of the 737-200... The systems fidelity is also of the highest order with pretty much every switch and gauge fully functional... One of the most enjoyable procedural sims that I have flown in FSX... This is a fantastic package and will appeal to both the simple FSX user and the more advanced user" Flight Sim Today
System Requirements:
Flight Simulator X (Acceleration, SP2 and Direct X 10 preview compatible)
3.0GHz PC or any Dual Core
256MB 3D graphics card
Windows 10/11
1.0GB hard drive space
Usual Price: US$37.99
Special Offer Price US$25.99
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