Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer (MSFS)

Compatibility: MSFS 2024, MSFS 2020

This product has been released, you can find out more on the product page

This highly detailed simulation of the Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer for MSFS 2020/2024 has been developed by Just Flight's in-house development team after hands-on research with a real-life ex-RAF and ETPS Hawk T1.

The Just Flight Hawk has been modelled to an exceptional level of detail and features a variety of 8K PBR paint schemes (including the RAF and Red Arrows), realistic payloads (including AIM-9 missiles, rockets, practise bombs, 30mm Aden cannon gun pod, Red Arrows diesel/dye smoke pod) and ground equipment. Both the front and rear pilot positions are included and the aircraft features a truly 3D virtual cockpit with smoothly animated 3D instruments and fully functioning custom-coded systems and avionics.

See the Detailed Description below for details of all the aircraft features and you can download the PDF manuals here!

This add-on features functional weapons which will be STATIC ONLY in the version available from the MSFS Marketplace.

New features – the Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer (MSFS) has received many updates/upgrades since it was released, including changes to the aircraft systems, visuals and extra features and quality-of-life improvements based on community feedback. A significant Version 2 update (released 4 February 2025) brings even more additions and improvements to the product, including a significantly reworked flight model, new liveries, animated weaponry, an updated EFB and more! See the Support page for the full list of all Hawk updates.

The Hawk T1 is a British-built single engine jet trainer with a two-man tandem cockpit. First flown in 1974, the Hawk has served as an advanced training aircraft for nearly 40 years. The design has proved to be highly successful, with over 900 examples of more than 10 variants sold to air forces in 18 countries, including the UK, Finland, India and Saudi Arabia.
The Hawk T1 variant, first delivered to the RAF in 1976, continues to serve as an advanced jet and weapons trainer. Possibly the most well-known Hawk T1s are those flown by the world famous RAF Red Arrows display team, which has been flying the Hawk T1 since 1979.

  • Accurately modelled Hawk T1 & T1A, built using extensive research materials and hands-on experience with the real aircraft
  • Numerous external animations including storage hatch, RAT, canopy, crew ladder
  • Animated, configurable front and rear pilots
  • Ground equipment including chocks, access steps, pitot cover, engine intake covers and tie-downs
  • 8K textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity
  • PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials with real-time environment reflections for superb quality and realism
  • Detailed normal mapping for down-to-the-rivet precision of aircraft surfaces
  • Animated weaponry with the correct brackets and pylons for all weapon types:
     - Aden 30mm centre line gun pod
     - AIM 9M and CATM-9 practise missile
     - CBLS/BDU-33 practise bombs
     - Matra LRF4 rocket launcher pods
  • Ground services support (marshaller and fuel truck)
  • Full support for MSFS visual icing effects
  • Optional drop tanks for longer range flights
  • Numerous effects, including Red Arrows / Saudi Falcons display smoke, engine smoke, engine and GTS exhaust haze, wing vortices and AIM-9M sidewinder smoke

  • A truly 3D virtual cockpit featuring accurately modelled ejector seats, cockpit wear and tear and stunning texturing - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
  • Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
  • Dimmable instrument, radio and flood lighting, with separate control circuits for each cockpit
  • Tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft options, and checking aircraft and flight information:
     - 'Cold & Dark', 'Ready for Take-off' and ‘Ready for Start’ aircraft states
     - Persistent aircraft states, allowing you to always return to your cockpit in the same state that you last left it
     - Canopy, hatch and ground equipment controls
     - Choose between weapon panels, Red Arrows smoke controls, Gunsight /GPS/Gunsight + GPS configurations, and hide the control column for an unobstructed view of the cockpit
     - Configure ordnance and rear pilot/instructor
     - Basic autopilot controls for ease-of-use
     - Navigraph Airport Charts and Navigraph Enroute Charts support
     - Simbrief support
     - Other useful apps including Checklists, Map, Notes and Top of Descent calculator
  • Front and rear cockpit positions fully modelled and simulated
  • Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers
  • Fully compatible with MSFS VR mode
  • A variety of showcase camera presets (including front pilot looking aft, over front pilot's shoulder, over front pilot's ejection seat, over left and right wings)
  • Front or rear seat pilot is visible whilst in the cockpit view (pilot being shown is toggled automatically based on whether the front or rear cockpit is selected)
  • Interactable ejector seat pins

Custom-coded aircraft systems
  • Electrical system with generators, busbars, inverters and AC/DC power supplies
  • Hydraulic systems, including independent No.1 and 2 systems, accumulators and RAT operation in case of engine failure
  • Fuel system with automatic fuel transfer, pumps and LP/HP cocks
  • Central warning system with realistic CWP caption logic, audio/visual warnings and test functionality
  • Flight control system with hydraulically-powered flying controls, standby flap system and realistic airbrake operation
  • Landing gear and wheelbrake system with hydraulically-charged brake accumulators with realistic discharge rates, standby gear system and front/rear cockpit control transfer
  • Air-conditioning and pressurisation system with temperature controls and realistic cabin pressurisation
  • Oxygen system with realistic supply and usage rates that vary with altitude and number of flight crew
  • Flight information and instrumentation system with Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), modelled with accurate 'spin-up' times and simulated gyro-drift, and standby instruments with power source controls
  • Lighting system with dimmable instrument, console and map lighting, and separate upper and lower fuselage anti-collision lighting
  • Communication system with original AN/ARC 164 UHF radio, plus retrofitted modern RT8300 VHF radio with the ability to save and recall frequencies, fully-functional TACAN and ILS radio units for IFR navigation, and modern Mode C/S compatible military IFF transponder
  • Engine systems with realistic Adour Mk. 151 turbofan engine operation, including gas turbine starting (GTS) system and engine starting procedures
  • Armament system with weapons control and monitoring panels, missile control panel, sighting system and payload jettison
  • Simulated jettisonable bombs, missiles and rocket pods, including animations and weight changes that affect the flight model
  • Simulated functional weapons, fire AIM-9M Sidewinder missiles and release BDU-33 practise bombs, including animations and weight changes that affect the flight model
  • Skymap II GPS system (based on default Aera)
  • Realistic gunsight display with azimuth and depression controls


Bringing next-gen jet noise to your simulator, the Hawk T1 features a highly-fidelity Wwise sound environment developed by SimAcoustics.

Over 200 separate sound effects provide accurate audible feedback as you interact with the aircraft.

  • High-fidelity Rolls-Royce Adour Mk.151/851 jet noise
  • Full start-up soundtrack featuring the GTS starter
  • Immersive distant jet sounds that enhance the fly-by experience
  • Authentic audio for every switch, button, lever and electrical system
  • Audible feedback as you operate the control surfaces, flaps and airbrake
  • Dynamic airflow noise during manoeuvring
  • Simulation of breaking the sound barrier
  • Custom damage effects for when things don't go as planned


The Hawk T1 is supplied in the following 18 paint schemes:

  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force early trainer livery, XX241
  • Hawk T1 Empire Test Pilots School livery, XX341
  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force Valley, Central Flying Squadron, XX176
  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force camouflage scheme, XX353
  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force 4 FTS, Welsh Dragon livery, XX172
  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force 92 Squadron, XX329
  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force 1TWU, XX280
  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force Red Arrows 2011 livery, XX260
  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force Red Arrows 2014 livery, XX322
  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force Red Arrows 2021 livery, XX227
  • Hawk T1 Royal Air Force Red Arrows 2024 livery, XX239
  • Hawk T1A Royal Air Force 100 Squadron, black livery, XX331
  • Hawk Mk. 51 Finnish Air Force Midnight Hawks 2017 livery, HW-341
  • Hawk Mk. 51 Finnish Air Force, HW-346
  • Hawk Mk. 53 Indonesian Air Force, LL-5320
  • Hawk Mk. 63 Royal Saudi Air Force Saudi Falcons livery, 8805
  • Hawk Mk. 63 Royal Saudi Air Force, 79034
  • Hawk Mk. 63 Swiss Air Force, U-1252T1
Other features

  • Realistic and accurate flight dynamics based on real world performance and handling data, and input from Hawk T1 pilots
  • A Comprehensive PDF manual with panel guide, flight tutorial and performance data is included
  • PSD Paint Kit included so you can create your own paint schemes, including pilot name decal texture which allows you to have your own name showing on the Red Arrows 2021 custom livery
  • Full support for MSFS checklists (manual and automatic/co-pilot modes)

Development Updates

05 October 2021
Here are the next two tutorial videos for the Hawk MSFS.  The first covers Payloads and the second one gives an overview of the Radios, the VHF radio, IFF, TACAN and ILS units.

Two more videos to follow - one that will cover sounds and another showing the Hawk taking off.

01 October 2021
Here are the next two tutorial videos for the Hawk MSFS.  Showing below is a video that covers the interior and exterior lighting and also a video showing some of the hydraulic systems.  More videos to follow soon...

30 September 2021

We have produced a number of preview videos for the Hawk T1/A demonstrating various aspects and features in advance of the release.  Here are the first two for you - one is a basic intorduction and the second covers what can be achived using the EFB Tablet.  More videos to follow to cover such things as the Lights, Payloads and Hydraulics.  Hope you like these and that they'll come in useful. 

28 September 2021
Here are some recent shots showing off some of these features:
• EFB tablet with controls for selecting between T1, T1/A and Red Arrows configurations, different payloads and autopilot modes for ease-of-use
• Different cockpit configurations – T1/A weapons training (pylon/sidewinder) controls, gunsight and/or GPS, Red Arrows smoke indicators
• VHF, UHF, IFF, TACAN and ILS radio simulation, including frequency preset cards which update in real-time to show any saved frequency presets
• Dynamic cockpit night lighting with dimmer controls and spotlights, and realistic exterior lighting (including independent upper/lower strobes or beacons)
• Exterior model payloads/configurations – Live or training AIM-9 Sidewinders, 30 mm Aden gun, CBLS practice bombs, MATRA rockets, Red Arrows smoke tank and exhaust pipes

31 August 2021

Here are a new set of screenshots, taken during weekend testing of the Hawk. Stay tuned as we plan to bring you some small videos soon showing off various features and systems later this week and into next week. 

23 July 2021

With the visuals nearly complete, the Hawk T1 development team are now focused on the aircraft systems coding. The Hawk T1 is a relatively simple jet to operate, thanks to its role as a trainer, but like our equally vintage and British 146 airliner, it features plenty of quirks and systems to keep you busy!

Multiple DC and AC electrical sources/buses with reset and backup controls, a ram-air-turbine (RAT) for hydraulic backup to the powered flying controls, a gas turbine starting (GTS) system, similar to an APU, for engine starts and a central warning system (CWS) are just some of the systems that are fully-functional in our Hawk T1.

Another unusual feature related to its use as a trainer that is fully simulated is the landing gear and flap transfer controls. Both front and rear cockpits have controls for operating the flaps and gear but the rear cockpit (i.e. instructor) has the ability to transfer control between the front and rear. You will need to ensure the controls have been transferred to the front cockpit whenever flying solo from the front cockpit.

No switch, lever or system will be left with the dreaded ‘INOP’ tooltip, just like in every one of our in-house aircraft, and we’ll discuss the hydraulic, flight control and air-conditioning/pressurisation systems in the next in-development update.

06 June 2021

Coding work continues on the more intricate and detailed areas of the Hawk but visually it's pretty much complete now. Here are some latest shots that show the remaining upgraded 8K liveries along with shots showing cockpit animation/coding progress. Enjoy the pics.


04 May 2021

The Hawk T1 development team are currently focused on making the aircraft as visually stunning as possible in MSFS. As part of that work, we have upgraded all the exterior textures to 8K resolution, ensuring pin-sharp detail across the entire aircraft, whilst still maintaining excellent performance. These screenshots show that incredible detail on 2 of the 13 included liveries, with more to follow very soon!

Work has now begun on the front and rear cockpit areas, hooking up the hundreds of animated controls and indicators, adding in all the latest MSFS features available to us in the SDK, and carrying out hours of test flights to confirm the correct operation of the study-level systems.


01 March 2021

Here's a quick impromptu entry to show off some exterior model detail and a handful of lthe latest liveries.  Hope you'll agree these latest liveries and textures are looking pretty special!

24 February 2021

In addition to our first GA aircraft for MSFS our internal Dev team are beginning to perfect the art of multi-tasking in a bid to bring a varied mix of genres early on to MSFS. So here you get your first look at the Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer in MSFS

Exterior and interior modelling and texturing is pretty much complete pending the usual tweaking stage during testing. The coding side has barely started, so this initial update focuses on just the 'visuals', but we do expect coding to progress fairly quickly over the next month or two. Stay tuned for more updates and in the meantime we hope these initial shots have served to whet the appetite.

Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer (MSFS)
MSFS 2024, MSFS 2020