A300B4 Professional

Compatibility: Microsoft Flight Simulator
We are thrilled to announce the development of the Just Flight A300B4 Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The first wide-body twin-jet aircraft and pioneer of extended twin operating procedures (ETOPS), the A300 first flew in 1972, with the B4 variant following in 1975 and featuring an increased fuel capacity and improved high lift systems.

The study-level A300B4 Professional will include highly detailed exterior models with a choice of CF6 or JT9D engines, Cargo and Passenger configurations and realistic animations including dynamic wing flex, spoilers, flaps/slats and passenger and cargo doors.

It will also feature complex custom-coded systems based on real-world aircraft manuals, including hydraulic, electrical, fuel and pressurisation systems. Navigation systems will include custom INS and FMC, options for the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) panel and the A300’s N1 limit computer and autothrottle.

In the cockpit you'll find the Captain, Co-pilot, and Flight Engineer positions. They are meticulously modelled, with animated and functional switches, knobs, levers and gauges. The cockpit features highly detailed textures, showcasing realistic wear and tear and lighting. With 3D Wwise sounds and accurate flight dynamics, A300B4 Professional from Just Flight will provide the ultimate experience of flying an 1970s three-crew steam-gauged aircraft.



  • A300B4-200 PW and GE engine options
  • Passenger and Cargo Variants
  • Accurately modelled using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft
  • Realistic animations including all passenger, service and cargo doors, control surfaces and mechanisms
  • High resolution textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity, with decals used for high-resolution text.
  • Full support for MSFS visual icing effects and ground services.
  • Realistic, dynamic wing-flex
  • Custom ground equipment (GPU, cones and chocks)

  • Captain, Co-pilot and Flight Engineers positions modelled with all switches, knobs and levers animated and functional.
  • A truly 3D cockpit environment right down to accurately modelled circuit breakers and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
  • Accurately modelled flight instruments
  • Authentically modelled radio navigation systems. (ADF/VOR)
  • Authentically simulated CIVA Inertial Navigation System (INS) with simulated drift and DME updating and optional or a more modern FMC
  • Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic lived in environment.
  • Aircraft state system which will automatically save the aircraft state whenever a flight is saved and reload it whenever that flight is loaded
  • Aircraft configuration system which allows you to choose between 'Cold & Dark', ‘Turnaround’ or 'Ready for Take-off'
  • Many features have been added to help with usability such as the ability to hide the control yokes for a better view of the instruments and pre-set angled views for the overhead and centre pedestal, and a hidden clickspot for setting all altimeters
  • Tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft states, options and payloads, with Navigraph and SimBrief integration and a moving map
  • Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers
  • Fully compatible with MSFS VR mode
  • Custom-coded systems, including hydraulic, electrical, engine bleed, fuel and pressurisation. All controls, valves, temps and pressures will react realistically.

From the classic airlines of Pan Am, Eastern and Dan-Air through to the last operators of the A300B4, many high resolution, highly detailed liveries representing all decades of the A300’s flying career.

  • Independent lighting controls for Captain and First Officer
  • Dimmable integral lighting for each panel
  • Dimmable dynamic flood lighting for a highly immersive and customisable night environment
  • Freely moveable spot lights
  • MSFS-native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of the new MSFS capabilities
  • Studio quality engine sounds for both the CF6 and JT9D.
  • Hundreds of flight deck sound effects
  • Detailed equipment audio such as the APU, brake fans, electrical circuits, hydraulic equipment and many more
  • Detailed physics-based effects on engine and wind noise
  • Accurately positioned 3D sound sources (best enjoyed in VR!)
  • Custom crash and scraping effects
FDE and Effects
  • Realistic and accurate performance in the air and on the ground, using unique flight models for all variants based on real-world performance and handling data.
  • Custom effects for enhanced immersion, including engine, GPU and APU exhaust haze
  • Accurately simulated exterior lighting, including wing, logo and independent taxi/landing lights
Other features
  • Comprehensive PDF manual with flight tutorial, systems guide, procedures, limitations and handling notes
  • Multiple interior and exterior camera presets, including wing views
  • PSD paint kit included so you can create your own paint schemes
  • Full support for MSFS checklists (manual and Automatic/Co-pilot modes)
  • Support for numerous control assignments for compatibility with controllers and hardware

Development Updates

30 August 2024

A slight change in the order of our development updates as we want to save the most complex area for last. Today, we will look at the overhead panel.

The overhead of the A300B4 is home to a mixture of different systems, and its design philosophy is such that some controls which could have been housed on the engineer’s panel are instead found on the overhead. This is because when the aircraft was designed, Airbus was already thinking ahead to the idea of two-crew cockpits, enabling it to be operated temporarily by two crew members and with the intention of certifying the aircraft for two-pilot operations permanently.

Unlike later Airbus models, we still have a rather chaotic array of switches, knobs, and annunciator lights typical of aircraft of the era. Despite this and after some studying, everything does begin to make sense. The layout is reminiscent of modern types, with the exterior lighting and passenger signs positioned at the very front and switches for de-icing within easy reach. There's some oddities such as the HF radio's being positioned here instead of on the pedestal, with the other comms radios. One of those systems which could belong to the engineer’s station are the three prominent servo control levers which the pilots can switch in case of a control surface valve jam.

Each panel is clearly labelled, schematics are provided where necessary, and the annunciator lights are colour-coded to represent varying levels of warning and indication. A type of mechanical indicator you may spot are the magnetic indicators abbreviated to M.I. We’ll become more familiar with these when we move to the engineer’s panel, but suffice to say the rotating drum of these have been modelled, gone are the days when we had to use 2D textures.

As with the areas of the flight deck that we have already seen, every single object has been textured individually to give the most realistic wear and tear possible. All text and schematics use decals to enable the best clarity whatever your settings.

We hope you enjoy the screenshots below. Next time, we will preview the engineer’s panel.

08 August 2024

In this development update, we'll give you a short tour of the A300B4’s main instrument panel via the text and the screenshots below.

The first thing that immediately stands out is the large blue and black Attitude and Director’s Indicators (ADI’s). These characterise the A300B4’s flight deck design, being extremely clear and logical. Surrounding the ADIs, you’ll find a suite of familiar flight and navigation instruments, equally well-designed. Our artist has taken the greatest care in modelling these with as much detail and accuracy as possible, with textures directly created from real-world photos. This ensures that the scales and fonts are exactly as found on the real-world aircraft. Every single digit, needle, and flag is modelled and animated, right down to the tiny wires that hold the warning flags in place.

Dominating the centre instrument panel are the engine instruments and the Master Warning Panel. Notice how each caption has its own level of wear, and how the text is inconsistently lit. We hope you agree that this attention to detail creates an authentic feel of an imperfect and used aircraft. Located on the centre panel are standby gauges, the N1 limit computer, mechanical indicators for the flap and flight control positions, the landing gear lever, and the autobrake selector buttons.

Moving up to the glareshield, we see the controls for the Flight Director/Autopilot and Autothrottle, known as the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS). The panel is made up of white piano key-style levers for the master switches, large pushbuttons that illuminate when a mode is selected, and selector knobs with mechanical drum window displays for selections such as altitude and airspeed. Notice how we’ve textured each object individually, with each button having individual wear and tear. Our last stop is the colourful grid of captions below the AFCS panel, known as the Flight Performance Indicator (FPI), this displays the armed or active modes selected on the AFCS panel, something you’ll need to monitor closely when you get to fly our A300B4 Professional!

We hope you enjoy the screenshots below, next time we will take a closer look at the engineers panel.


23 July 2024

Here’s the first of a few new updates covering the latest visual work that has been carried out on the Flight Deck area.

Over the past few months, our Lead artist has been busy recreating the remaining sections of the A300B4’s complex cockpit—a mammoth task when you consider each individual gauge and needle in this 1970’s mechanical beast. Our artist has also taken great care to give the aircraft an authentic, lived-in feel, with each panel, knob, and screw having its own individual level of weathering and discolouration, faithful to the real-world reference aircraft.

With this work now complete, we are excited to share the results with you. Through a series of In Development updates, we are excited to take you on a tour of the entire flight deck, starting with the centre pedestal.

Starting at the forward section, you’ll notice the authentic recreation of the Carousel IV Inertial Navigation System’s (INS) Control Display Unit (CDU) on either side. Each segment of the data displays has been created using its own object to give an authentic and crisp look from any distance. For a more modern option, you will be able to swap these for the UNS-1 FMS, which were often retrofitted to real-world A300’s.

Moving rearward, attached to either side of the pedestal, we find conventional stabilizer trim wheels with a simple pointer and scale from 3 degrees nose down to 12 degrees nose up. On the top, we find a large speedbrake lever and a combined flap/slat lever with 5 positions. In the middle we find two conventional throttle levers, and yes, we mean proper throttles rather than the gated “Thrust Levers” that we find on later Airbus families. Aft of these, we have the fuel cut-off switches, parking brake handle, and a couple of buttons for the take-off config test and gear horn warning.

Moving further aft, we have the heart of the A300’s communications suite. This comprises 2 VHF control units with a transponder unit in the centre. These all feature mechanical rotating drums that we have individually modeled. Behind, we have 2 audio selector panels and controls for the weather radar located in between. Located behind both audio selectors, we can find our ADF navigation radios, again with rotating mechanical displays. Behind the ADF1 panel, we can find 3 white knobs which control the various lighting of the centre pedestal. Coming towards the rear, we have a SELCAL controller, and finally, the two large knobs located on the top and rear are for the rudder and aileron trims.

In summary, the centre pedestal has quite a conventional layout that we are used to seeing on more modern types; however, there is character made up by the mechanical displays and vastly different wear and tear where the units have been swapped out over the lifetime of the aircraft.

We hope you enjoy the screenshots below. Next time, we will focus on the forward panel and autopilot.

19 December 2023

Since the reveal of our A300B4 Professional at FS Expo 2023 our talented artists has been busy taking on the mammoth task of texturing the rest of the flightdeck and upgrading the exterior model.

To the cockpit where every single panel, gauge, knob and lever is being painstakingly recreated to match the real aircraft. Right down to the weathering on each individual screw head we aim to bring a level of detail never seen before in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

On the exterior our artist has reworked most of the fuselage and nose section, countless new details have been added including highly detailed flap track mechanisms and brand new highly detailed models for the CF6 and JT9D engines.

Meanwhile we have made excellent progress with the systems coding, with the Electrical, Air Bleed, Air Conditioning and Pressurization, APU and Fuel systems complete. These have all been custom coded so that all valves, temperatures and pressures will react as in the real world and are affected by environmental conditions and system configuration. Next up is the Hydraulic system.

We look forward to sharing more details and screenshots early next year.

A300B4 Professional
Microsoft Flight Simulator