28 April 2017
Just Flight's award-winning
Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer for FSX and P3D now comes with full
Tacpack integration, making it a very capable weapon of war as well as a nimble training jet!
A variety of guns, missiles, bombs and rockets are now available for TacPack owners to use, along with new working external fuel tanks - see the
Hawk page for all the details.
Please note that the new TacPack functionality is only available if you have installed the TacPack combat system software from
Vertical Reality Simulations.
If you have already purchased the Just Flight Hawk, you can log in to your account and download the latest installer to get the new TacPack-compatible software free of charge! If you haven't bought it yet, you'll be pleased to hear that the new TacPack-enabled
Hawk is on sale at the same price as the previous version - £29.99 / €37.95 / $44.99!