PC Pilot gives our RJ Professional for MSFS a review rating of 95/100

"A beautiful rendition of the RJ series, faithfully recreating these aircraft in every aspect"
20 February 2025

We were very pleased to see our recently updated RJ Professional for MSFS 2020/2024 feature in the Reviews section of the latest issue (#156, Mar/Apr 2025) of PC Pilot magazine.

This RJ collection was certainly a labour of love for the Just Flight development team so the score of 95/100 is a well deserved reward for their efforts. Our thanks to Joe Lavery and the PC Pilot team for taking the time to get to know the aircraft.

We've copied a few of the reviewer's comments below and you can find out all the details of the new issue of the magazine on the PC Pilot website.

"This is a beautiful rendition of the RJ series, faithfully recreating these aircraft in every aspect."

"If you're looking to gain experience with one of the most realistic midsize passenger jets available, this is the one I'd recommend."

"These aircraft exhibit a design quality that rivals the real thing. In fact, the level of detail is so exceptional that screenshots could easily be mistaken for photos of the actual aircraft."

"Few developers take the time to model an aircraft's interior (beyond the cockpit) but the Just Flight team has gone the extra mile."

"The crafting of the cockpit is excellent. I don't think there's one switch or button that doesn't operate as it should, including the overhead panel and the pedestal that sits between the two pilots."

"The audio experience goes beyond just the engines. In the cockpit, the subtle sound of switches being flipped and the variety of system alerts add an extra layer of immersion to each flight."

"Just Flight produces better manuals than most flight sim developers. In fact, they set a standard that few others can (or even attempt to) match. For these aircraft they've truly outdone themselves by providing a manual that rivals the original Flight Crew Operational Manual (FCOM)."

Take a look at the RJ Professional page for more screenshots, a series of tutorial videos and all the aircraft features.

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator

RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator