Pre-release development update for F28 Professional V2

Cockpit configurations
7 March 2025

A defining feature of the real-world F28 is the sheer number of cockpit configurations that exist, often even within an airline’s own fleet. Although we don’t dare attempt to replicate every possible configuration, we do think we have given it a good shot with the additional features coming soon in our F28 Professional Version 2 update.
The Version 2 update will be free to all F28 Professional owners on PC and Xbox. We're planning to make it available here on the Just Flight website on 13 March, with the new software available in other stores shortly afterwards.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

The amount of autopilot configurations available in the F28 is significantly increasing in Version 2. There are now three main methods of navigation in the F28: traditional navigation using the VHF NAV and ADF radios, RNAV navigation using the GNS430 GPS and our custom-coded UNS-1 FMS. Each of these options will also automatically configure the cockpit with any necessary additions; for example, NAV/GPS selectors and GPS annunciators will only appear when the UNS-1 is fitted. There are now also two altitude control options: a basic Altitude Alerting System and a more advanced Altitude Preselect Controller. Each is accurately modelled and simulated, providing two very different methods of operating the F28.

There is a lot of interesting titbits to cover with these configurations, so be sure to keep an eye out for another dedicated News item on these features in the run-up to release!

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

The TCAS VSI option on the EFB tablet is a long-standing option that has been retained and improved in the F28 Version 2 update. This option lets you switch between a traditional Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) and a digital Vertical Speed Indicator with an integrated TCAS display. The most significant change to this section of the F28 is the improvements to the TCAS display artwork and functionality that have been brought across from our RJ Professional.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

In addition to the .modern' type of passenger regulator seen in previous versions of the F28, in Version 2 we have modelled a second 'classic' type of passenger regulator on the right side panel. The main difference between these two systems is that the classic system has the passenger oxygen cylinder located on top of the panel, whereas the modern system is located inside the right side panel. The two systems can be toggled using an option on the EFB, but they will also be fitted automatically to each livery based on the aircraft’s construction number - another feature that will mean no two flights in the F28 will be the same!

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

In F28 Professional Version 2 each pilot has a sun visor stowed above their head which can be rotated down and slid forward/backward along a rail. Interestingly, we haven't been able to find many reference photos of F28s fitted with sun visors (another difference between F28s!) so these can be optionally fitted in the simulator via an option on the EFB.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

Located on the left and right cockpit side walls, two clipboards featuring interactive paper checklists can now be rotated out of the side wall. This popular feature, previously seen in our 146 Professional and RJ Professional, has now made its way into the F28 Professional and provides up to 20 pages of interactable paper checklists. A set of F28 checklists are provided, but custom .PNG images can also be imported and displayed here.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

Almost all of the customisation options covered in this post are controllable via options on the EFB, which in itself has been updated to the latest Just Flight V3 EFB standard. This includes an overhauled user interface, including improvements to the Aircraft page’s artwork and functionality, and new additions to the EFB which include boarding and refuelling simulation, Navigraph enroute charts and a plethora of customisation options in the Configurations menu.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

A highly requested feature included with the V2 update is the ability to change the units of measurement used by the various fuel gauges and indicators throughout the cockpit. We are providing alternative texture sets to change the texture-based units of measurement on analogue gauges, as well as an option to change the units of measurement indicated. These additions allow the F28 to be flown in countries using the imperial or metric systems without having to constantly convert the fuel numbers on the fly.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

Not to be forgotten, there are various pieces of equipment on the exterior that can be toggled on/off via controls on the EFB; these include HF antennas, hush kits and logo lights. These are all options that were available in previous versions of the F28, but in Version 2 they are now all automatically configured on a per livery basis, based on extensive research of the represented aircraft. The options to manually toggle them on/off will remain available on the EFB.