More pre-release details of the V2 update for F28 Professional

Autopilot options!
10 March 2025

Let’s dig deeper into the abundance of autopilot options that can be experienced in the upcoming F28 Professional Version 2 update - there's a lot of them!

The Version 2 update will be free to all F28 Professional owners on PC and Xbox. We're planning to make it available here on the Just Flight website on 13 March, with the new software available in other stores shortly afterwards.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

Starting with the headlining item, the UNS-1 Flight Management System has been seamlessly integrated into the F28 Professional. Featuring the unique interface of the real unit, our custom-coded UNS-1 is packed full of features originally found in our 146 Professional Version 2 update, plus various refinements and the addition of the TUNE page for easy tuning of the F28's analogue radios. Whilst the UNS-1 is fitted to the centre console, NAV/GPS selectors and GPS annunciators are fitted to the main instrument panel to allow for switching between navigation modes and to provide additional situational awareness. The UNS-1 can be fitted to the F28 via an option on the EFB/tablet.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

The GNS 430 GPS is another RNAV navigation option that makes its debut appearance in the V2 update. Located on the First Officer’s main instrument panel, this small GPS unit replaces the larger GNS 530 that was originally fitted to the F28 Professional at release. This new configuration provides a more accurate representation of a configuration seen in some of the last remaining active F28s, as well as allowing for simultaneous use of the GPS and Weather Radar. For MSFS 2024 users, the GNS 430 also utilises the new Working Title GNS 430 V2 framework, allowing for full integration with the MSFS EFB. The GNS 430 can be fitted to the F28 via an option on the EFB.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

With no RNAV options enabled, the F28 can be flown as originally delivered, using traditional means of navigation. Using the VHF NAV radios alongside the ADF radios to track VORs, DMEs and NDBs, this provides the most ‘hands on’, high-workload navigation configuration, but one that we feel provides the greatest satisfaction at the end of a successful flight.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

A new addition in the V2 update is the Altitude Preselect Controller. This controller expands the functionality of the F28's SEP6 autopilot system via the addition of autopilot-coupled vertical speed controls, altitude arming, altitude hold and altitude alerting modes. The Altitude Preselect Panel is fully integrated with the autopilot, providing automatic altitude acquisition, and also altitude alerts when approaching, or deviating from, the selected altitude when the necessary modes are selected. A new ALTITUDE PRESELECT light and push-button on the main instrument panel will illuminate based on the aircraft’s altitude with respect to the selected altitude.

F28 Professional MSFS V2 Update

Another change in the Version 2 update takes the F28 right back to basics. In previous versions of the F28, the ALT SET panel effectively functioned as an Altitude Preselect Controller, where the altitude set on the unit would be coupled to the autopilot and automatic altitude acquisition would take place. In Version 2 we have changed this logic so that this panel more accurately simulates the basic Altitude Alerting System configuration of the F28. In this new configuration there is no autopilot coupling and no automatic altitude acquisition. As the name suggests, this is purely an altitude alerting system that provides altitude alerts when approaching the selected altitude, or when deviating from that selected altitude. This means that altitude acquisition is left in the hands of the pilot, the most skilful of whom will ensure that passenger comfort levels remain high when manually adjusting the aircraft’s climb/descent rate in the altitude acquisition phase.

Similarly to the Altitude Preselect Controller, the Altitude Alerting System provides aural and visual alerts based on the aircraft altitude with respect to the selected altitude, with the new ALTITUDE PRESELECT light and push-button on the main instrument panel serving part of that logic.